I read a wonderful article this weekend that has inspired this article. Our minds are the most powerful tool that we have available to us. It can either build us up or tear us down. Many times we get into patterns in our lives and our business and we don’t know how we got there. We might be glad to find ourselves there, or we wish we would not have landed up here. The truth is that we have created this existence for ourselves and somewhere along the way we asked for it.
This concept can be the most misunderstood part of the mind. When you think back in your life to when you were a child, and you were dreaming of what your life would look like, there is a chance that you will find the dreams of your childhood have manifested themselves in your life. You might also remember the words that were spoken to you as a child that have also manifested in your life today (good or bad).
The idea of “What you think about you bring about” is based on the core idea that your mind helps you manifest what you want, regardless of if you think that thought is good or bad. Here is an example, if you think that you are lazy and you often have that thought, your mind doesn’t know that you are not wanting to be lazy, it thinks that being lazy is what you want. The power of the mind to manifest is not governed by how you feel about a thought. Your mind only brings you what you think about.
The article that I read this weekend was The Myths of Ego. Apparently Les Floyd had written a twitter update that upset some people and he felt he needed to explain his position further. I am very grateful that he did, because it tied a few things together for me. The Ego has been a difficult thing for me to understand, I have heard it talked about and I thought I understood it quite well but Les’ article really put it into very clear perspective. I knew the Ego mind keeps us fearful and in constant threat, but I didn’t understand how it does it until now, or perhaps I wasn’t ready to understand it.
Whenever you are listening to the negative self talk you can 100% be sure that it is the Ego mind. It is like having a bully living inside your head. The more you let it talk and the more you listen to it, the more power you give it. Now that we have identified it there is only one way to stop the destruction that it is causing. When you recognize the negative self talk, you must address it, and change the words. Let’s go back to the thought that we talked about earlier. If you “hear” your negative self talk saying that you are lazy, stop what you are doing for a minute, and think of the things you have accomplished recently. You may find that it is difficult at first to come up with these things immediately, but the more times you do this the easier it will be to switch the self talk.
Here is another tool to help you. If you are constantly coming up against the same negative self talk, and you are finding that it is very difficult to come up with the positive talk to counter act it, then I would suggest starting a journal, every day take some time to write down the positive thoughts that you would like to “reprogram” into your mind. By taking the time to write down the positive programming while you are not being “attacked” by your own mind you will be armed with the thoughts that you would like to be programmed in.
Today marks the first day of Deepak Chopra’s free 21 day meditation challenge. This is a wonderful way to begin learning about the power of your mind and the ways in which you can take control of your thoughts and your ability to create the life and business that you truly want. I would like to invite you to join me in this wonderful journey. You can sign up here.