Rule #8: Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6
Back to the fun!
People under 6 don’t know how to do anything else but have fun, and people over the age of 70 have the best stories.
Have you ever been surrounded by young children having fun? Picture this: A children’s music festival with
Fred Penner singing! All the children are singing along and dancing. None of the children are worried if they are singing in tune or on beat, and they don’t care what they look like while they are dancing. It is a pure expression of how they are feeling at that moment. When was the last time you felt that free?
On the other hand you have the over 70 crowd. Most people that I have spent time with in this age category truly understand the meaning of life and the value that it has. They have all trudged through a path much like ours, and have come out the other side. They have amazing stories to tell us, and if you listen carefully you can understand the meaning in each one. By listening and understanding the lessons I have learned a lot from the generations before me. Isn’t that the point? We should be learning from their mistakes and making this world a better place one generation at a time.
I remember looking at my life as a child and wondering how I would “do things differently” that is what the meaning of it all is to me slowly evolving one generation at a time.
I am on a course to make a huge leap in my generation for my family. I own my own business that will allow me to grow personally, but to allow my family to feel what financial freedom is. Our family line lost that when we came to Canada, and I would like to see it return to our family tree.