I was introduced to this amazing idea this weekend and I really wanted to share it with all of you. I will tell you that I am a very musical person, in fact music has always been really important to me. I am also easily affected by music, for example Baroque music usually makes me […]
Geeky GIrl's Blog
Do I Need A Process Map?
First let’s talk about what a process map is, and how it relates to your business. I know that I have felt frustrated when discussing things such as this, but I hope to take some of the frustration or pressure out of this situation for you. Process maps are ways to define the workflow of your business operations. […]
7 Steps Of Relationship Marketing
Some of you may have heard this term before and you have wondered how it relates to you and your business. With the introduction of Social Media this has probably been one of the biggest changes in marketing. People keep telling you that you can’t sell online but then you are left wondering why you […]
Do I really need to blog?
The simple answer is yes! Let me explain how having a blog can help your business.
7 Steps to Happiness
7 Steps to Happiness I found this picture and thought it was so fitting to share with you, not just because it has a great message, but because I am making it my personal mission to test a statement that I have been using since November, and I wanted to literally take this picture […]
Use Evernote to Manage Your Email and Your To Do List
I have written about Evernote in a previous post, in that post I wrote about how you can use Evernote to store your blog ideas, and gave you some great tips on some of Evernote’s features. In this post I want to focus on something else that I use Evernote for. I am generally out and about a lot […]