Rule #9: Dream more while you are awake.
Wow this one is a powerful one. Just think about all the things that you want to do in your life, how much attention do you pay to them? Think of a time in your life that you were focused on something and then think of the results you received.
Here are some personal examples. When I was growing up my only true goal in high school was to find a man that was a good father, marry him and have children. I thought about it often, and even thought about the characteristics that I wanted him to have to pass on those to my children. I found him; we married and had two children. Now those two children did not come easy. It took us 2 ½ years just to conceive our first child. We had a fertility doctor and I had to take my temperature before even moving when I awoke every day. We had many months of tears and disappointments, and yet we were very focused on our goal to become a family. This is the true meaning of dreaming while awake. I would think about my baby and how wonderful it was to hold her in my arms, to look after her and kiss her little head. I don’t remember imagining all the sleepless nights or all the mess though. ?
Next time you get a “fleeting” thought about what you might “like” to have? Take the time to really think about it. Is this just a passing thought or is it a desire of yours? You have the power to create what ever you want. The fleeting thoughts are just that, if you don’t put any energy into them why should the universe?
I have done a lot of reflection in the last couple of months, and to look back on things like this bring a lot of clarity to life. I am going to write out a list of things that I would like to have, and then I am going to see where I want to apply my energy and get what I want. I know that once I commit to my true desires, the universe will match my energy and I will get what I have focused on!